
Donating generously will help in addressing specific needs identified by Saaya.

  • "Monthly donations" help us in planning our programs better and for a longer term because people pledge a small fixed amount monthly
  • "Single donation" are also very helpful because they help us in collecting huge funds that  we further deploy into our programs.

Event Tickets

We hold annual Charity Events which are highly entertaining, performed by very talented local artists.

  • All the proceeds from the ticket sale go towards the charitable cause. It also provides an opportunity for the community to connect together.
  • Our events have received great feedback from the community, and we are very grateful to our performers for upholding the cause and giving their valuable time and efforts..


Organising an event is by any means an expensive venture.

  • We don’t believe in spending even $1 from ticket sale collection or donation amount towards the event or admin costs.
  • So we are grateful if any Businesses would like to come forward and provide sponsorship in return for Advertising/ Banner opportunity at the venue.

Spread the Word

Spread the word about the Saaya

  • The event and sale of tickets amongst your family, friends, colleagues, and support for a generous cause.
  • However much we do is less!